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  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 1
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 1
    by Lo Kuan-Chung, Robert E. Hegel, C. H. Brewitt-Taylor

    I am currently producing an audiobook adaptation of the Sanguo Yanyi (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms), one of the Four Classics of Chinese Literature.  

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    Thoughts From DJ RaspyRants and thoughts on politics, culture, writing, podcasting, and creating audiobooks.

    Entries in Social Justice (5)


    Tales of Slud: Prologue, Part 2 - The Unfortunate Tale of Joshua Calendar, the Keeper of Time

    Tales of Slud, Prologue, Part 2 - "The Unfortunate Tale Of Joshua Calendar, the Keeper of Time"


    The Problem of Time: Whose Problem Is It Anyway?

    Incredibly complex is time, in any universe presumably.  Even more incredibly complex by a factor of at least a hundred is the time which operates in Slud, our mixed up Universe. 

    The solution implemented by the D.M., the supreme God beyond supreme Gods, the ultimate source of all life, almighty creator of our Universe as many believe, to solve the tremendous gaps in language, culture, technology, and general social understanding that had developed between human beings, however, was most certainly not very complex at all. Let's face it...complex is a bit beyond the abilities of our Almighty Creator. You know, because of the laziness and stupidity.

    And because in our universe, God is both lazy and stupid, His solution was naturally to push the job onto someone else to take care of. That's just how the dice of The D.M. roll...

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    #OccupyDigest - Op-Ed - We are ALL Homeless...

    By Mitakuye Oyasin -


    I would like to share a story with you all...

    I was at work last night, and there's been this old guy hanging around there. He's got to be at least 60, maybe even in his 70's. Because of his situation in life, it's kind of hard to tell his actual age. His circumstances have probably aged him quite a bit. You TOO could be a winner in the "Lose it all" Sweepstakes. Be kind, if you ever want anyone to be kind to you.

    I saw him sitting there on the bench in the room with the pool tables, with several plastic shopping bags sitting next to him. Whenever he would get up and move, his bags would always go with him. And well they should, for though I am far too polite to have ever peeked into them, I am almost certain that I know what was in them. Those bags likely contained everything that the aged gentleman owned...

    You see, the Gentleman of which I speak is homeless, one of the many, many people in this country that are, every year, forced by economic circumstances into that lamentable lot in life. As the few rich that are left get richer, and the billions of poor get poorer, and the middle class is completely wiped out by Laws and Codes, international and national, that are designed to help only a small segment of the population to prosper, while the rest are largely abandoned by the State...there are so many, so very many like the Gentleman of which I speak. So many that perhaps, at times, they almost seem invisible...

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    #OccupyDigest - Thursday, September 29, 2011

    By D.J. Raspe -

    As I sit here writing this particular entry in the #OccupyDigest, a song is playing through my computer speakers.  It is this song.  Here.  Download it.  Listen to it while you read this entry.  It will help to put this all into perspective, while I relate to you a peculiar analogy which has come to me...

    Flag of the 2nd American Revolution - 2011The song you are hearing right now, written between 1916 and 1918 by master Composer Gustav Holst during a time of great upheaval known in that day as "The Great War", is called "Saturn: The Bringer of Old Age".  But it has another name, a nickname.  It nickname is "Saturn: Guardian of Time", so called because of the central theme of this piece follows the rhythm of a swinging pendulum, as upon a clock. 

    It is an appropriate song to play, while writing this post in the #OccupyDigest.  Why, you might ask?  Because Time is ever a key factor in any Revolution, including the one which I am attempting to curate in these #OccupyDigest posts. And, even without the subtle yet apprehensive beauty of Holst's symphonic pendulum swinging back and forth in the background, Time is ever on my mind, as it is no doubt on the minds of many within the #Occupy Movement.

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    #OccupyDigest - Wednesday, September 28, 2011

    By D.J. Raspe -

    I would like to begin this particular entry in the #OccupyDigest with a quote from one Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, otherwise known as Mahatma Gandhi, which I find to be particularly of relevance:

    "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

    Flag of the 2nd American Revolution - 2011Keeping that quote in mind, the #Occupy Movement reached its 12th Day today, and what a difference 12 days has made.  The Occupy Movement started with the original protest at #OccupyWallStreet in New York City, on September 17, 2011.  By today, that is, September 28, 2011, the Movement has spread all over the continental United States, bolstered its image with massive star power, the likes of Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Immortal Technique, Chris Hedges, Dr. Cornell West, and yes, even such big name newsmedia pundits as Keith Olbermann, Lawrence O'Donnel, Matt Taibbi and Cenk Uygur. Additionally, the Industrial Workers of the World and several hundred Airline Pilots joined the protests on Wall Street in solidarity.

    This week has seen the movement grow from one protest movement in Zucotti Park, NYC, to a collection, even confederation, of movements across America, from Boston to Los Angeles, from Atlanta to San Francisco, from Texas to Nebraska to Colorado to Illinois to Wisconsin...and yes, even South Dakota is organizing to join the ranks of the Occupy Movement.  But more on that later.

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    On Carey Fuller: Champion of the Unchampioned

    - By D.J. Raspe -

    Via Twitter

    "careyfuller Indy 
    “Camping out” > Please help if you can!"

    Now, a little bit about Carey Fuller: Carey Fuller is a Blogger and an Internet Personality on the rise. What is her area of expertise, you might ask? The Plight of the Homeless.

    You might ask, how is it that Carey Fuller is an expert on Homelessness, when she's got the ability to get on social networks like Twitter and write blog posts on a website? Well, you see, she was given that ability by the caring auspices of the good people at wanted to give the homeless of North America a voice, when for so long, they had none. 

    You see, Carey Fuller is, herself, one of an alarmingly growing number of homeless people in this great country, and she is also, sadly, a representative of another disturbingly widespread demographic: Homeless Families. Carey Fuller lives in her car, with her two daughters. When I saw her story on InvisiblePeople's Youtube Channel, I wept like a broken-hearted child, to see my countrymen, or in this case, countrywomen living in vehicles because they had no place that they could call home.

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