I am currently producing an audiobook adaptation of the Sanguo Yanyi (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms), one of the Four Classics of Chinese Literature.
Revolutionary but Gangsta
Madness has taken us all. Yes. Even you. My madness is just a little bit more obvious, that's all.
I am insane. We are all insane. One cannot look at all at this world and the actions, the motivations, of everyone in it, and see anywhere the faintest glimmer of sanity. We have all lost our minds. I just happen to be one of them who realizes this fact, and admit it openly. I am me, and I am mad.
Anyway, my name is D. J. Raspe, and that is to say, "D.J. Raspe" is the pseudonym I use when writing stuff. It's not my real name, which I will keep quite to myself, thank you very much, but as a literary pseudonym it serves its purpose well enough. D.J. Raspe. It makes me seem, I don't know...sort of British. And if it's one thing British people can do well, it's writing stuff. And dry humor. And...um...crumpets?
I have to warn you in advance. I'm a Revolutionary. Not one of these fake Revolutionaries that sit there and bitch about the "Gum'ment!" but do not have any ideas about how to replace it. No no. I have plenty of ideas. And I tend to slip those ideas into my work here and there, usually disguised as something else because that's just how I roll, I guess. Pay close attention to the content posted at various places here at djraspe.com, and on the other sites within the network, and you'll see what I mean. Hopefully.
Right now I'm working on an English audiobook adaptation of The Sanguo Yanyi ("Romance of the Three Kingdoms"), one of the Four Classics of Chinese Literature.
In addition, I am an author of fiction, and I'm working on a massive novel just absolutely filled with social commentary, set in a fictional world where the very mechanics of the universe make as little sense there as we pretend they do make sense here in this one. The book is called The Tales of Slud, and it's really rather of a funny story, if I do say so myself. If you're into "That's so sad it's funny, because it's true, and oh my goodness, we are all a bunch of idiots! What have we done to the world, to society, and to our own minds?!" type of humor, you might really enjoy this one. The Prologue, when its finally finished, will be as long as full-length novel in itself, and you can read it for free here. The actual novel however, itself, I will be writing for sale at a modest price. Hopefully, you find the Prologue humorous enough to want to buy the actual book. :p
It is my typical policy to publish my content free for all to listen to and/or download. And the vast majority of the content that you find on this site, I offer for free, even though it takes a lot out of me to make it. It is because I am committed to the notion that art should be free to the consumer. If you appreciate such generosity on the side of the artist, I ask only one thing of you: That you join the movement to make it so that artists are subsidized by Society itself for the cultural achievements we contribute. YOU should not have to pay for art and culture out of your own pockets, not when Society, as a whole, is so very rich. Make the ones who have all the money cough up a bit of that money to fund artists so that we don't have to starve while making art for you to consume, you know?
In addition to all this, I hope to update the Blog with my thoughts and observations, in order to question and possibly even overwrite the paradigm of the human society we live in. The Revolution has to start somewhere. If no one else is really taking up the cross, then it looks like it's up to me. :p I kid...maybe.
What's New? There's new chapters of the Sanguo Yanyi Audiobook posted over at the Sanguo Yanyi portion of the site. Here's one of them.
Additionally, this website will be undergoing a major overhaul as soon as I have both the time and energy to do a bunch of things to it that, really, I probably should have just hired a Webmaster to take care of for me. Since I do not have a Webmaster, I have to do those things myself, and that's an Epic Quest in and of itself. So, thank you in advance for your patience, but be aware, this website will be changing a bit over the following months.
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DJ Raspy - Producer and WriterListen to the Sanguo Yanyi Audiobook:
The Sanguo Yanyi is an ancient book better known as the 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' - as the book is in the public domain, I am producing a Creative Commons audiobook. More ->>
Watch the That's Our Curtis! Video Show:
That's Our Curtis! was a video show featuring our legendary friend Curtis! I appeared in several episodes and helped produce the show. Curtis is Legend. More ->>