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The Sanguo Yanyi
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 1
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 1
    by Lo Kuan-Chung, Robert E. Hegel, C. H. Brewitt-Taylor

    I am currently producing an audiobook adaptation of the Sanguo Yanyi (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms), one of the Four Classics of Chinese Literature.  

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    About the Sanguo Yanyi Audiobook

    By the Romance of the Three Kingdoms on AmazonChapter by chapter, I've been recording and producing an audio book called the Sanguo Yani.  I have long been fascinated with the  almost two millenia-old Chinese epic, the Sanguo Yanyi, or “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” as it has been called here in the west.  The book, written by various authors contributing to it throughout the centuries, is truly one of the finest examples of epic storytelling in the history of the world.  I tend to refer to it, sometimes, when I’m describing the story to people, as “The Chinese Illiad”.  The term might be a tad bit imprecise, since the Illiad only covers, what, ten years or so?  Whereas, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms covers 90+ years of Chinese history...

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